風景の距離/The distance of scenery oil on cotton 41x38cm 2015

いくつかの風景/Some sceneries oil on cotton 45x38cm 2015

逆さまの白い木/Reverse white trees oil on canvas 45x45cm 2015
201-2016 Berkeley Civic Center Art Exhibition

カーブ/A curve oil on canvas 45x45cm 2015

昼の星/Noon stars oil on cotton 53x45cm 2015

秋の湖/Autumn lake oil on panel 45x45cm 2015

薄明/Dim light acrylic on canvas 45x45cm 2015

谷あい/In the valley acrylic on cotton 45x38cm 2015

青い記憶/Blue memories acrylic on canvas 45x38cm 2015

小さな雲/Little clouds acrylic on canvas 45x45cm 2015